Global Sources Electronics Design Awards Presentation Ceremony & Press Conference |
作者 alan
2008/10/15, Wednesday |
Ms Sarach Benecke Exective Director of Global Sources and Mr
Mark A .Saunderson, President of Global Soureces’Elecctronice Business Unit attends
Electronics & Components Pre-Show Press Conference.
Design of the year: Radio Communication headset
Backed by China Sourcing
Fair: Electronics & Components, the Awards have already become one of the
hallmarks for innovation in Greater China's electronics industry.
Winning products will be on display at the China Sourcing Fair: Electronics
& Components (
at Hong Kong's Asia World-Expo.
Manufacturers will also be present to demonstrate their products and share with
you their thinking and development of the winning products.
Global Sources' Executive Director Sarah Benecke at the press conference to
announce exciting news about the upcoming Fair. Ranked as the world's
fourth-largest electronics sourcing trade show, the China Sourcing Fair:
Electronics & Components will feature over 2,900 booths this October.
最後更新 ( 2008/10/15, Wednesday )
法國大師級朱古力品牌Jean Paul Hévin Chocolatier時代廣場分店開幕慶典 |
作者 alan
2008/10/15, Wednesday |
Photo from Norman Chow
Photo from Norman Chow
Photo from Norman Chow
Hévin親手製造的朱古力創意作品,吸引不少城中時尚名人現身支持,殿堂級朱古力大師Jean-Paul Hévin是日更專程由法國前來香港,聯同Jean-Paul
Hévin Chocolatier General Manager Ms.
Angela Cheung及電影紅星馮德倫主持別開生面的時代廣場分店開幕儀式。
Hévin於會上逐一頒贈其親手製做、全球首度曝光的朱古力創意作品,包括為演而優則導的馮德倫而設計的朱古力導演拍板、為美女嘉賓莫何敏儀、洪欣、馬詩慧、Ranee K設計的朱古力唇膏以及型男莫天賜及郭永聰而設計的無糖朱古力Fitness Bar及朱古力太陽眼鏡。其後,眾人更合力啟動巨型朱古力噴泉,象徵Jean-Paul
Hévin Chocolatier最新的冬日產品 —「朱古力火鍋」正式隆重推出。
最後更新 ( 2008/10/15, Wednesday )
作者 alan
2008/10/15, Wednesday |
秉承「非凡創意,源於傳統」的品牌精神,瑞士天梭表隆重推出全新Stylis-T Diamonds鑽石腕表系列,並於早前假蘭桂坊酒店的型格餐廳Azure Restaurant舉行盛大的腕表發佈會。天梭表香港及澳門副總裁溫京蕾小姐更邀請到其品牌的大中華區首位代言人徐熙媛小姐(大S) 從台灣來港出席是次活動,並與城中一眾名人商賈、名表鑑賞家、鐘表收藏愛好者、VIP貴賓和傳媒代表一同見證全新的天梭表Stylis-T
Diamonds鑽石腕表系列的誕,生與此同時,大會更邀請到名模Ana R.、內地名模陳碧舸小姐、中國五大名模之一的劉丹小姐、名媛童愛玲小姐、著名歌手李樂詩小姐,以及新晉女星徐自賢小姐等撥冗出席,五位城中美女更對全新Stylis-T鑽石腕表系列愛不釋手。
訊息來源以及照片: et
最後更新 ( 2008/10/15, Wednesday )
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