作者 admin
2008/06/16, Monday |
英格蘭超級聯賽冠軍獎盃登陸曼聯旗艦店,由曼聯吉祥物Fred the Red陪同澳門威尼斯人®及曼聯管理層一同拍照留念。
訊息來源及照片 : 威尼斯人澳門股份有限公司公關部
最後更新 ( 2008/06/16, Monday )
A1GP 'Powered by Ferrari' Car continues test programme in Imola |
作者 admin
2008/06/15, Sunday |
The A1GP World Cup of Motorsport car for the
2008/09 season continued its intensive testing programme this week with two
days at the Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari in Imola.
Following on from successful tests at
Fiorano, the Ferrari test track in Italy, Andrea Bertolini has been
back behind the wheel of the Powered by Ferrari car, putting it through its
paces at Imola.
This is the first time the car has run
outside the confines of Fiorano but feedback continues to be positive with the
car running on both Tuesday and Wednesday.
Testing will continue next week with
five-days running scheduled at Guadix Circuit, a recently constructed facility
in Spain.
The three-kilometre track near Granada has a good mix of fast and slow corners
with varying cambers and a 750-metre main straight set against the stunning
back drop of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
Information and Photo form A1GP
最後更新 ( 2008/06/15, Sunday )
作者 admin
2008/06/13, Friday |
重達536公斤, 長達126厘米, 高55厘米之綠寶石原生礦,已由法國留尼旺島空運抵港,並將於本月20日在九龍尖沙咀洲際酒店「抱趣堂當代藝術館」作全球性首展。香港市民可免費一睹這奇蹟性的發現。
寶石界奇蹟,取名「受天百祿」Giftfrom Heaven
在開採綠寶石原生礦歷史中,達536公斤重的確是一個奇蹟,礦主打算申請健力士紀錄。原來礦主是馬達加斯加島華僑陳錫波先生,他和兒子Mark在馬島從事開礦業幾十年。礦場在馬島東南部小鎮摩洛峰( Moranfeno)。 在2007年7月以傳統爆破式方法開採,一般情況下,綠寶石礦經爆破後皆破碎成小塊,這是寶石一般以卡單位計算的原因,這次出現的竟是完好無缺,以公斤計算的礦石,(重達536公斤)創造了寶石界奇蹟。最難得的是翠綠光亮,晶瑩通透,不同形狀的寶石露在黑色的母體上,閃閃生輝,就像春天雨後青翠的森林分佈在留尼旺島一般,令人驚嘆大自然的神奇。為感謝上天賜予之恩,該石取名為「受天百祿」Gift from Heaven (Shaw Tian Pai
Liu) as a thanksgiving to the blessing from heaven.
Frement PR
最後更新 ( 2008/12/09, Tuesday )
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