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作者 admin   
2008/06/13, Friday




Gaile與Swatch 港澳區副總裁謝蘭詩小姐

領導潮流腕錶市場的Swatch不斷推陳出新,不但從瑞士引入全亞洲首部流動販賣車-Swatcholino「三腳雞」,更於即日起至720日假銅鑼灣Delay No Mall舉行「My 1st Swatch Exhibition @ Swatcholino」,為隆重其事,Swatch邀請到品牌港澳區副總裁謝蘭詩小姐聯同本港超人氣名模樂基兒小姐(Gaile)主持加入了瑞士傳統習俗的啟動儀式。在活動上,作為Swatch fans 之一的Gaile亦展示了她的Swatch珍藏,為凸顯腕錶是時裝的一部份,Swatch亦特別安排了有「翻版樂基兒」之稱的上位索模Chrissie和火辣男模演繹以300多隻Swatch手錶製成的比堅尼、短裙、頭飾、皮帶和Tie等等,款款悅目動心,令人目不暇給。

My 1st Swatch Exhibition @ Swatcholino」展出多款由數百元被炒高至數千至數萬元的經典系列,全新的Puzzle Motion手錶系列,以及由名模樂基兒小姐借出她所珍藏的Swatch,眾多展品彌足珍貴,極具欣賞價值。市民可免費參觀展覽的同時,更可以率先購買全港配額60隻的「HAYEK BRANDED WATCH」珍藏版。

訊息來源以及照片: et Promotions

最後更新 ( 2008/06/13, Friday )
Giraglia Rolex Cup St.Tropez, France / Genoa, Italy
作者 admin   
2008/06/10, Tuesday


Start for the first race for the Giraglia Rolex Cup 2008.

Day one of the Giraglia Rolex Cup was a day for keeping a cool head in a day of ever-changing breeze in St Tropez. With big holes in the 10-knot breeze, along with windshifts of up to 70 degrees, today was what sailors like to call a 'heads-out-of-the-boat-day'. Boatspeed was less important than picking your way through the virtual minefield in the Gulf of St Tropez.

Information from

Photo credit: Rolex / Kurt Arrigo


最後更新 ( 2008/06/10, Tuesday )
Dubai hosts China Sourcing Fairs
作者 admin   
2008/06/10, Tuesday


Dubai, United Arab Emirates, June 9, 2008 -- Global Sources (NASDAQ: GSOL) today opened its China Sourcing Fairs trade shows, the largest China-products exhibitions in the Middle East. The China Sourcing Fairs: Gifts & Home Products, Electronics and Fashion Accessories feature manufacturers from Greater China. The series of trade fairs is 60 percent larger this year. They are scheduled to run through June 11 at the Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre.

The China Sourcing Fairs in Dubai serve importers and volume buyers in the Middle East and North Africa region who seek high-quality products from competitive Greater China suppliers. More than 7,100 buyers from 95 countries attended last year's inaugural event. This year's Fairs feature exhibitors of gifts, premiums and home products, as well as consumer electronics and fashion accessories.

infomation and photo form Global Sources 

最後更新 ( 2008/06/10, Tuesday )
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