Plantronics最新隆重推出史上最高級Flagship藍牙Earpiece |
作者 admin
2008/04/23, Wednesday |
著名美國藍牙及無線耳機製造商Plantronics,今天於香港隆重推出Plantronics藍牙耳機系列中的最高級Flagship型號 - Discovery系列的 D925。
D925早前在美國紐約的Spring 2008 New York FashionWeek舉行了盛大的發佈會。憑著產品的出眾聲音表現、獨特前衛線條外型設計及用上的最優質物料,獲得前所未有的一致好評,令高質素的電子產品和潮流飾物劃上等號,絕對是本年度數碼產品的潮流指標。
訊息來源以及照片: 創思顧問
最後更新 ( 2008/04/23, Wednesday )
Christine Lifestyles Gallery 開幕典禮 |
作者 admin
2008/04/22, Tuesday |
由生活美化師Christine Park所創立的Christine Lifestyles Gallary新店即將開幕,開幕畫展集合多位當代韓國畫家佳作。為隆重其事,Christine
Lifestyles Gallary將於2008年4月22日舉行開幕典禮及晚宴,韓國駐港總領事趙煥復及韓籍著名油畫大師崔宪基將蒞臨主持揭幕儀式。
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最後更新 ( 2008/04/22, Tuesday )
MTR HONG KONG Race Walking 2008 |
作者 admin
2008/04/20, Sunday |
Co-organised by the MTR
Corporation and the Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association, the annual MTR HONG
KONG Race Walking event is into its fourth year. This year, both the number of participants
and donations for health education have reached record highs. More than 1300
people signed up for 14 categories of race walking competitions and HK$1.3
million was raised for the Hospital Authority Health InfoWorld to fund a new
initiative called the “Ideal BMI” Disease Prevention Project, which will advise
the working public on the issue of obesity, and to promote weight control for
associated diseases prevention.
MTR Chairman Dr Raymond K F
Ch’ien welcome speech
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最後更新 ( 2008/04/22, Tuesday )
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