作者 admin
2008/03/16, Sunday |
最後更新 ( 2008/03/16, Sunday )
作者 admin
2008/03/11, Tuesday |
活動首先以Triumph 2008年春夏季新款內衣電視廣告揭開序幕。接着,大會安排了Triumph 2008年春夏季新款內衣表演,由多位外籍模特兒親身演繹多款不同剪裁及主題的最新內衣,當中包括注目系列Cleavage on Demand,讓新女性自選V形曲線;同場還加映以嶄新無縫貼合技術創製的 Body Fusion 隱形內衣系列;首次採用有機棉及無添加染色素的 Eco Chic 環保內衣系列;綻放女性高貴氣質的Valisere 內衣系列等,讓一眾來賓感受Triumph新女性所散發出的自信魅力。
為慶祝Triumph 2008年春夏季新款內衣正式推出,大會特別選出了城中6位各具獨特個性的新女性,頒發6個「Triumph新女性大獎」。
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最後更新 ( 2008/03/11, Tuesday )
LA Galaxy Hong Kong Football Match |
作者 admin
2008/03/10, Monday |
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SCAA captain Li, Haiqiang triumph after defeated
Los Angeles Galaxy in Hong Kong Stadium.
South China Athletic Association (SCAA)
Invitation Team defeated Los Angeles Galaxy by 5:4
in the penalty shootout after a 2:2 draw in 90 minutes in the LA Galaxy Hong Kong Football
Match at Hong Kong Stadium.
Los Angeles Galaxy captain David Beckham celebrates after
scoring in a penalty shootout against South China Athletic Association (SCAA)
Invitation Team in Hong Kong.
Los Angeles Galaxy captain David Beckham, right, fights for the ball with
SCAA Invitation Team crew during the match in Hong Kong.
Los Angeles Galaxy group photo.
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最後更新 ( 2008/03/10, Monday )
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