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法國大師級朱古力品牌Jean Paul Hévin Chocolatier 慶祝海港城新店隆重開幕
作者 admin   
2008/02/27, Wednesday






(香港.2008227) 法國著名朱古力品牌 Jean-Paul Hévin Chocolatier 於今天假海港城港威商場大堂II舉行朱古力作品及珠寶展覽暨新店開幕酒會,在天橋上率先展示多套全球首度曝光的Jean-Paul Hévin Chocolatier大師級朱古力首飾,當日會場同時展出多件創意朱古力作品,讓顧客猶如置身大型珠寶展覽,盛大慶祝海港城首間Jean-Paul Hévin Chocolatier專門店隆重開幕。

朱古力珠寶花生騷邀請了著名模特兒陳嘉容及Ana R.及多位本地模特兒共同演繹,別開生面,多款耀眼的朱古力珠寶首飾令人眼前一亮。

Jean-Paul Hévin1988年在巴黎創立首間Jean-Paul Hévin Chocolatier專門店,分店遍及東京。自1979年到1984年的這五年間,Jean-Paul Hevin幾乎囊括了所有法國境內的朱古力競賽大獎,20032007年間更榮獲法國Chocolate-Eaters’Club頒發的最高殊榮。

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最後更新 ( 2008/03/08, Saturday )
Entertainment Expo Hong Kong Press Conference 2008
作者 admin   
2008/02/25, Monday


Chairman of the TDC Entertainment Industry Advisory Committee Raymond Chow (R), Hong Kong Entertainment Ambassador Tony Leung (2nd R), Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Frederick Ma (2nd L) and TDC's Executive Director Fred Lam pose for of the Entertainment Expo Hong Kong opening.


Hong Kong Entertainment Ambassador Tony Leung (R) and Chairman of the TDC Entertainment Industry Advisory Committee Raymond Chow laugh during a news conference.


Hong Kong's Entertainment Ambassador Tony Leung attends a news conference on upcoming Entertainment Expo at the Convention and Exhibition Centre.

February 25, 2008 – Film, television, music and digital entertainment enjoyed a bright spotlight at today’s press conference for the 4th Entertainment Expo Hong Kong, which takes place March 17 to April 13.2008 Secretay for Commerce and Economic Development Frederick Ma and Hong Kong Entertainment Ambassador Tony Leung, along with top entertainment industry representatives, presided over the press conference.

Entertainment Expo Hong Kong showcasese the best film, TV, music and digital entertainment in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and throughout the Asian region. This year’s theme is “Get into Scene”

Speaking at today’s press conference, Mr Ma said he is confident that EExpo will enhance Hong Kong’s status as Asia’s entertainment hub. “Staging such large-scale industry events attracts practitioners form overseas and the mainland and helps develop Hong Kong into a regional business hub for the creative industries.”

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最後更新 ( 2008/02/25, Monday )
The Manchester United Experience Begins at The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel
作者 admin   
2008/02/20, Wednesday


Mr. Stephen Weaver, President of Asian Region, Las Vegas Sands Corp.together with Ole, officiated the grand opening ceremony.


Macao, Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (20th February 2008) – The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel announced that the keenly anticipated The Manchester United Experience opened today, 20th February 2008, at The Grand Canal Shoppes of The Venetian® Macao. Mr. Stephen Weaver, President of Asian Region, Las Vegas Sands Corp. together with Manchester United star, Ole Gunner Solskjaer, officiated the grand opening ceremony.

Manchester United is indisputably one of the world’s most successful football clubs. The 16,000 square-foot Manchester United Megastore over 3 levels is now opened at The Grand Canal Shoppes of The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel. The unique design offers a complete and authentic experience of the Manchester United Football Club. The lower retail level offers a wide selection of Manchester United merchandise while a unique design “Mezzanine” located in the middle of the lower retail level will bring customers to the upper “Ultimate Interactive Football Experience” level.

“Being a member of the Manchester United Football Club, I am absolutely thrilled to see the opening of the Manchester United Experience at The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel. I hope the Red Devils’ spirit will continue to grow in Asia, to aid Asian football teams to scale new heights” said Ole Gunner Solskjaer, former player of Manchester United Premier League Club.

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最後更新 ( 2008/02/20, Wednesday )
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