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Max Mara 銅鑼灣名店坊 全新旗艦店隆重開幕
作者 admin   
2008/01/08, Tuesday




Ms. Scarlett Chow, the General Manager of Max Mara {L}, renowned actress Ms. Carina Lau Ka-ling and Mr. Luca Uras, Project Manager or Max Mara Italy {R} 

(200818,香港) Max Mara繼太子大廈分店之後,又一佔地兩層的旗艦店於銅鑼灣名店坊落成,並於今日隆重開幕!為慶祝全球首間採用此全新設計概念、獨一無二的Max Mara旗艦店隆重開幕,Max Mara邀請到本屆金雞百花影后劉嘉玲品牌管理層擔任剪綵嘉賓,勢必令銅鑼灣更加熱鬧哄動。Max Mara更特別邀請本地著名模特兒琦琦、周汶錡、熊黛琳、姚書軼、Ana R.、貝安琪等穿上品牌2008春夏最新系列時裝出席開幕酒會,令酒會錦上添花。


最後更新 ( 2009/12/27, Sunday )
J B GROUP CLASSIC 2008 final report
作者 admin   
2008/01/08, Tuesday


Mr Bhupen Surani, Chairman of the J BGROUP (L), and Mr Jatin Chutke, Vice President of the J B (R)GROUP to present the "JBGROUP's Golden Racquet Award" to Singles Champion Venus Williams

The J B • GROUP Classic stands to go down as the most successful tennis event in Hong Kong’s history. The event, which attracted six of the world’s top 11 stars, has exceeded previous records for ticket sales.

"It's a sign of the desire of the people of Hong Kong to see these stars compete, and the crowds have contributed enormously to a thoroughly enjoyable event,” he added. The tournament has also been hailed as an unqualified success by the J B GROUP, the Hong Kong-based multinational, who took on the role of Title Sponsor for the first time to celebrate 15 years of growth and expansion from their base in the SAR. .

The tournament’s status was boosted this year by superstars Maria Sharapova and Venus Williams announcing that they were using the J B • GROUP Classic as their final warm-up for the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam of the year.

"Both Venus and Maria have said how much they’ve enjoyed themselves this year,” said Wade. the President of the Hong Kong Tennis Patron’s Association who organize the tournament.

"In fact the overall atmosphere has been excellent. The feedback we’ve had from the spectators, from the players, from everyone involved in the event has been so positive. There’s been an excellent “feel good" factor, which is a very important. It’s certainly something we can build on for 2009.”

Information from KCE Sport and Entertainment
最後更新 ( 2008/01/08, Tuesday )
J B GROUP CLASSIC 2008 final
作者 admin   
2008/01/05, Saturday


U.S.Venus Williams raises the trophy after defeating Russia Maria Sharapova during their final at the JB Group Classsic 2008. Williams won 6-4, 6-3.

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Photo by Fu Ching Tak

Russia Maria Sharapova waiting the award presentation ceremony after she was defeated by U.S.Venus Williams in their final at the JB Group Classsic 2008.


Photo by Fu Ching Tak

VIP and Maria Sharapova, Venus Williams attends the award presentation ceremony at the JB Group Classsic 2008.

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CHINA Peng Shuai smiles after defeating Caroline Woznaicki in the final of the JB Group Classic 2008. Peng won 6-2, 4-6, tie-break 10-6.

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CHINA Peng Shuai poses with the trophy after winning her match against Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark at JB Group Classic 2008. Peng won 6-2, 4-6, tie-break 10-6.


Photo by Fu Ching Tak

VIP and Peng Shuai, Caroline Woznaicki attends the award presentation ceremony at the JB Group Classsic 2008.

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最後更新 ( 2008/01/07, Monday )
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