A1GP Sydney, Australia (round 6 of 10) |
作者 admin
2008/02/03, Sunday |
South Africa Wins in Sydney
Ahead of Home Event
Australia - A1
Team South Africa secured its second A1GP race win of the season in this
afternoon's action-packed Feature race at Sydney's
Eastern Creek Raceway, closing the gap to third-placed Switzerland in
the championship standings. The weekend brought the championship battle even
closer together with leaders New Zealand
and France both heading to the next race in Durban, South Africa
on 96 points.
Adrian Zaugg drove a sensational race in
treacherous conditions as the heavy rain continued to pour down, to cross the
line almost 20 seconds ahead of Switzerland's
Neel Jani in second. The result is a huge boost for the South African team as
it gears up for its home event in three weeks time.
information and photo from A1GP
最後更新 ( 2008/02/03, Sunday )
作者 admin
2008/01/31, Thursday |
楊 韜 - 優秀青年演員、主演了《變臉》、《火焰山》、《射雕》等劇目,曾榮獲中國藝術節文華表演獎、上海國際藝術節“白玉蘭”主角獎。入選全國奧運火炬手等。
數碼港商場誠邀四川省兩大國家一級劇院 - 中國四川省川劇院及四川大木偶劇院,由1月31日至2月13日期間,於商場內演出一連串令大家目不暇給的川劇絕活及大木偶表演,當中除了多項神乎其技的演出外,一向傳男不傳女的國粹變臉絕活,更首度以女性演員來港演出。而四川大木偶亦會於是次表演中為大家獻上生動細膩、令人拍案叫絕的獨到技藝。
為了讓觀眾更能感受四川省之蜀風雅韻,數碼港商場將於表演場地內擺設別具風味的八仙枱及功夫櫈,為場內增添熱鬧的春節氣氛。是次大木偶表演與川劇表演,將於農曆新年期間於數碼港商場內輪流演出 。
more photo later
最後更新 ( 2008/01/31, Thursday )
The First Major Heavyweight Title Fight in Macao |
作者 admin
2008/01/27, Sunday |
Derric Rossy
celebrates after defeating Ray Mercer during their The First Major Heavyweight
Title Fight in Macao
January 26, 2008.
more photo
最後更新 ( 2008/01/28, Monday )
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