2007 FIVB World Grand Prix - Macau final |
作者 admin
2007/08/19, Sunday |
Nethlands beat USA 3:1
Photo by Fu Ching Tak
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Photo by Fu Ching Tak
In Macau (19 August 2007), The Netherlands was the best.
Especially against U.S.A.,
the crucial game won by the Orange 3-1. As for
Head Coach Avital Selinger, “We remained
concentrated and worked
together as a team. We did well in the first two sets. Only after the 2
sets, we encountered some problems, and the USA took advantage of it. In the 4th set, we regained our rhythm. It was a tremendous match and
we won it.” The good results against Cuba (3-2) and China
(3-0) were useless for U.S.A.:
like Cuba,
Lang Ping’s squad is out of the best five.
information from FIVB.org
最後更新 ( 2007/10/14, Sunday )
2007 FIVB World Grand Prix - Macau |
作者 admin
2007/08/18, Saturday |
Nethlands beat China 3:2
Nehtlands coach Selinger Avital said: Both teams have shows excellent performance. It is a very attractive match to watch. The two teams have high skill level. It is a combination play of power, defense and skills. The spirit of the team is high. We enjoyed the match. But infortunate, each match has only 1 winner.
USA beat Cuba 3:2
USA coach Lang Ping said: It is great match for audience. Both team play well. The game is very balanced. These are great chance for players to learn how dto play in such tight situations, and for young players to get experience.
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最後更新 ( 2007/08/21, Tuesday )
MasterCard Luxury Week Hong Kong 2007 |
作者 admin
2007/08/17, Friday |
香港 ─ 時裝界又一盛事!萬眾期待的 MasterCard LuxuryWeek Hong
Kong 2007 (Luxury Week)將於 8 月 31
日至 9 月 9 日隆重舉行,它是區內首個以消費者為對象的時裝及奢華品盛會,當中將展出國際頂級設計師的最新秋冬時裝及配飾系列、名貴房車及法國酒品等。由國際時裝周籌辦機構 IMGFashion 所主辦的 Luxury Week,將進一步鞏固香港作為亞洲首屈一指的時尚之都的地位。
於 Luxury Week 舉行期間,中環遮打花園將會搖身一變,成為國際時尚大舞台。這是首次把時裝以如此特別的形式帶到香港這個繁盛大都會。在為期十天的活動裡,一眾獲邀出席活動的時裝愛好者將能夠一睹多位國際頂級設計師的最新秋冬時裝系列,獲得秋冬時裝第一手資訊,緊貼新一季潮流趨勢。無論是最新到港,或是剛在時裝雜誌刊出的世界頂尖時裝品牌的最新秋冬系列,都將會在 LuxuryWeek 展出。
IMG Fashion Asia Pacific 董事總經理 Simon P. Lock 表示。「我們亦很榮幸邀請到 MasterCard 成為今次盛會的主要贊助商,國際知名的
MasterCard 為這次盛會添色不少,而且更加肯定香港作為亞洲名牌時尚之都的重要性。 」
MasterCard Worldwide 亞太、中東及非洲地區市場部總監Natalie Lockwood 表示:「根據 MasterCard 最新的調查顯示,2015 年香港富裕族的消費開支將會由 2005 年的 98 億美元增加至 170 億美元,上升超過 73%。有關奢侈品及時尚享受的消費佔了他們消費開支的大部份。我們很高興這次支持舉辦 MasterCard Luxury Week Hong
Kong 2007 可以為尊貴的持卡人提供一個沉醉於高級時裝世界的機會。
訊息來源以及照片: IMG fashion Asia Pacific
最後更新 ( 2007/08/27, Monday )
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