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Emirates Golf Clinic aspires young golfers for Olympic 2016
作者 admin   
2010/11/25, Thursday


Celebrating its sponsorship of the UBS Hong Kong Open for the sixth consecutive year, Emirates hosted a golf clinic for youngsters with Chris Rodgers. Edwin Lau, Emirates’ Vice President for Hong Kong and China (back row, middle), Chris Rodgers (back row, middle in black) and children gathered for a group photo after the Emirates golf clinic.

Emirates celebrated its sixth consecutive year of sponsorship to the UBS Hong Kong Open by hosting a golf clinic today for young golfers , aspiring to be future Olympic 2016 golf athletes. 

Chris Rodgers shared his golfing secrets and tips during a master class to 20 golf-loving youngsters.

The children learned from Chris Rodgers for his famous tee shot, which crowned him the champion at the Pakistan Open 2006.  

Chris Rodgers demonstrated his signature tee shot at the Emirates Golf Clinic and shared personal experience which paved way to the road of becoming a professional golfer.

Emirates is a leading supporter of golf worldwide and in addition to the UBS Hong Kong Open, it is the Official Airline at 15 events, including the Ryder Cup, Dubai World Championship, the Avantha Masters (India), Malaysian Open, Austrian Golf Open, BMW International Open (Germany), WGC – HSBC Champions (China) and Barclays Singapore Open 

The Dubai-based airline extends its support of golf to passengers by allowing them to check in one set of clubs free of charge - in addition to their normal checked baggage allowance - in any class of service on any Emirates flight.

Information and photo from Ruder Finn Asia

最後更新 ( 2010/11/25, Thursday )
作者 admin   
2010/11/25, Thursday

英格蘭的保爾特(Ian Poulter)連續兩天領先之下, 今天再創造了瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽72洞最低杆數258杆的佳績, 勇奪冠軍寶座。保爾特因此實現了本賽季第二場勝利,他的世界排名將重新回到前十位。保爾特今天總共吞下兩個柏忌,然而他仍然打出67杆,低於標準杆3杆,輕鬆地贏得瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽冠軍,獲得了416,660美元獎金。 

2000年冠軍西蒙-戴森(Simon Dyson)在前九洞打出30杆,可是後九洞他錯過了太多小鳥推,最終打出65杆,低於標準杆5杆,落後一杆,與17歲義大利神童曼納瑟羅(Matteo Manassero)一起獲得並列第二名。曼納瑟羅在前、後九洞各自打出31杆,交出了當日最低杆:62杆。






Photo by Vincent Chan

最後更新 ( 2010/11/25, Thursday )
作者 admin   
2010/11/20, Saturday
英格蘭選手保爾特(Ian POULTER)在最後兩個洞連續抓到小鳥的情況下,打出64杆,低於標準杆6杆,繼續領先瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽。同組出發的是昨天位於第二位的姜文喆(Anthony Kang, 今天打出67杆,低於標準杆3杆,跌落到第四位,與打出66杆的麥爾萊(Rory McIlroy)並列,成績為195杆,低於標準杆15杆。

英格蘭人54個洞沒有一個柏忌,三輪成績為191杆(67-60-64),低於標準杆19杆,領先美國公開賽冠軍麥道威(Graeme McDowell2杆。北愛爾蘭選手麥道威打出63杆,低於標準杆7杆,以193杆(65-65-63),低於標準杆17杆位於單獨第二位。另外一個英格蘭選手西蒙-戴森(Simon Dyson)打出65杆,單獨位於第三位,成績為194杆(64-65-65),低於標準杆16杆。




美國選手姜文喆(Anthony Kang








Photo by Vincent Chan

最後更新 ( 2010/11/20, Saturday )
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